Sunday 10th January is Plough Sunday, so at St. Mary’s Long Crendon the Morris
Men will be dancing in church at the end of the 10:30 am Holy Communion
Monday 11th January, 7:30 for 8:00 pm at St.
Mary’s, Long Crendon: Benefice
Section 12 Meeting – the legally correct but dull name for a very important
meeting in connection with progress towards the appointment of a new Vicar for
the Benefice. Please come if you
can. Bishop Alan will comment on the
Benefice Profile as it is at present, and the Area Dean and the Deanery Lay
Chair will also be there. This is an
open public meeting for all PCC members, the LLMs, and all interested parties.
Saturday 30th January 2016 - Long Crendon Friends
of St. Mary’s Safari Supper. Forms are available from St.
Mary’s, the Flowerpot Café, the Library, or from Forms will also be e-mailed to everyone who
took part last year, or if you have queries call Mary Frew on 202018. The deadline for joining is Saturday 16th
January – we look forward to seeing you!
Well done and
thank you to Chearsley’s Carol Singers
who raised a total of £300 at the Tree Lighting Ceremony and, on another day,
singing round the village. This sum is
to be shared equally between DEBRA and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
For the full pew sheet, please follow this link