1st Sunday – 10am Family Communion
A modern service from Common Worship with hymns. During the service, children go out to Junior Church and then rejoin their parents for the communion.
2nd Sunday – 10am Morning Celebration
A lay lead, modern and informal service suitable for all ages. It usually includes a drama and video and is followed by refreshments.
2nd Sunday 6pm – Sung Evensong
Traditional evening service from the BCP with sung responses, psalms, Nunc dimittis and Magnificat. Music from the Parish Psalter.
3rd Sunday – 9am Holy Communion
A service from Common Worship without hymns
4th Sunday – 10am Family Service
A traditional family friendly service.
5th Sunday – 10am Benefice Communion
When there is a 5th Sunday in a month, the benefice join together for a service at either Nether Winchendon, Long Crendon or Chearsley.