Prayer Requests
If you have any prayer requests, please let one of us know. We would love to help. We can pray in confidence for you, or include your prayers in church if you wish. We also have a team of volunteers who would be happy to pray for you in their own private prayers and a pastoral team who would be happy to visit.
Geoff Hogbin 01844 201197
Joy Payne 01844 208513
Darren Sampson 01844 208740
Sharon Sampson 01844 208740
Prayer Suggestions
Prayer is the foundation of all we do in our daily lives as well as in our church life - after all, a relationship thrives on communication. As we pray throughout the month on our own, or in gatherings on Sunday and during the week, can I invite us to pray for these particular people:
Giving thanks for all those who give
to us financially. We rely on voluntary
contributions, so this giving helps to make our worship of God and our service
to the community possible. “God loves a
cheerful giver” [2 Corinthians 9:7]! In
our 3 villages, praying for everybody who works in the construction and
property maintenance industries. For
our businesses and individuals based here, and the many people who are working
on projects around our villages.
If this includes you and you’d like us to pray for
something in particular, then email Richard on We won’t use your name if you ask us to keep it