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Flower Sponsorship

Each week, except during the weeks of Lent and Advent, flowers are arranged in our churches. They speak to us of God’s creation, they beautify our buildings, lift our spirits and enhance our worship.

We warmly invite you to sponsor the flowers in your parish church one Sunday. This can be done:
in memory a loved one who has died
  • on the anniversary of a death
  • to celebrate the birth of a child
  • to celebrate a wedding anniversary
  • to celebrate a special birthday
  • as a token of thanksgiving to God for a particular blessing.
  • to mark any special occasion just as a gift to the church.

We would greatly value and appreciate your gift and the opportunity to share with you in this small way remembering a person who is precious to you or an event that has been special to you.

If you would like to do this, please fill in a form which will be available in the church or from:

Joy Payne, 1 Bernards Close, Chearsley Tel 208513