Prayer is the foundation of all we do in our daily lives as well as in our church life - after all, a relationship thrives on communication. As we pray this month on our own, or in gatherings on Sunday and during the week, can I invite us to pray for these particular people:
In our 3 churches, giving thanks for all those who provide and serve refreshments for us to enjoy together. For the Sunday service teams; for the Café Sunday team; for the Cream Teas team; for the Coffee Thursday team; and for all those one-off events where we eat and drink so well!
In our 3 villages, praying for everyone who serves us in local government. For our parish councillors, district councillors, those standing in the county council elections, and for those employed by them.
If this includes you and you’d like us to pray for something in particular, then email Richard on We won’t use your name if you ask us to keep it confidential.