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Monday, 29 May 2017

Family Communion - 4th June

Do come along on Sunday and join our Family Communion service and share the bread and wine with us.  There will be a Junior Church upstairs with a story and craft led by Anne Pratt.  The service will be led by Rev Richard Phillips.

If you prefer, there is a BCP Holy Communion in NW at 9am and a Cafe Church running in Church House, Long Crendon at 10am.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Pet Service - 25th June

Put the date in your diary.  We are having a pet service at 10am on 25th June.  More details to follow.

Family Service - 28th May


This Sunday we have our traditional Family Service at 10am, led by Derek Witchell
For our pew sheet, please follow this link.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Prayers - 8pm

Standing with the people of Manchester. 8pm tonight. St Nicholas’ Church.

All are welcome to gather in St Nicholas’ at 8pm tonight, to remember before God those caught up in the Manchester bombing. Prayers will be said and there'll be an opportunity to light candles. 

The church remains open every day if you can't make this time.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Holy Communion - Sunday 21st May

This Sunday we have our 9am Holy Communion, a Common Worship service, without hymns.   It will be taken by Rev Richard Phillips.

If you prefer a Family Friendly service, there are Family Services at both Nether Winchendon (10.00) and Long Crendon (10.30).

For the full pew sheet, please follow this link

Monday, 15 May 2017

Grace Batson

Sadly, Mum passed away on 2nd May at the grand age of 98. Her funeral will take place at 11am on Thursday 25th May, here at St Nicholas, a place she loved and with people she treasured.  All friends of Grace and myself are most welcome.  Please also join us straight after at Chearsley Cricket Club to share drinks, food and memories.  No flowers or donations.  Just bring a tear in your eye and a smile on your face.

Thank you

Get Crafting


Brenda Dormer would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped her and her husband Robert in the past couple of days since Robert was taken ill.  He has been diagnosed with gall stones, which although painful, are not serious.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Morning Celebration - Sunday 14th May

You've heard the Easter Story.  Want to hear what happened next?  Come along on Sunday to our Morning Celebration service at 10am to find out.  As usual we will start and end with refreshments, and the service will be informal and modern and suitable for all ages.  

We are delighted that this month we will have a WORSHIP BAND to sing along to.  The Rev Richard will be on drums, his friend Adrian on keyboard and Louise will help us with the singing.

We hope you can make it.  Sharon, Darren & Ann

Please follow this link to see the pew Sheet.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Prayer focus this month

Prayer is the foundation of all we do in our daily lives as well as in our church life - after all, a relationship thrives on communication.   As we pray this month on our own, or in gatherings on Sunday and during the week, can I invite us to pray for these particular people:

In our 3 churches, giving thanks for all those who provide and serve refreshments for us to enjoy together. For the Sunday service teams; for the Café Sunday team; for the Cream Teas team; for the Coffee Thursday team; and for all those one-off events where we eat and drink so well!
In our 3 villages, praying for everyone who serves us in local government. For our parish councillors, district councillors, those standing in the county council elections, and for those employed by them.

If this includes you and you’d like us to pray for something in particular, then email Richard on We won’t use your name if you ask us to keep it confidential.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Rock Solid - Chip Shop Walk

Pray for lovely weather as this Sunday we will be aiming to take the Rock Solid group on a walk from Chearsley to the chip shop in Long Crendon.  

Rock Solid (year 7+) get together once a month on a Sunday evening (6-7.30) to socialise and explore the Christian faith.  We usually start with a meal and then have activities like movies, debates and silly games but we have also had camping, cupcake fund raisers and dog walks.  If this is something that might appeal to you, then why not come along on Sunday to see if you like it.  Feel free to  bring a dog / parent / friend.  Contact Sharon on 208740.

For more information about Rock Solid, please follow this link:


Both our churchwardens Joy and Jenny were commissioned on 2nd May at Whitchurch by the Assistant Registrar of the Diocese along with the other wardens in our Benefice.


On 23rd April we had our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) at the cricket club with lots of lovely cake.

Alicia stepped down as our churchwarden and was thanked by all and given a beautiful plant for her garden.  Joy is continuing as churchwarden for another year.

And Jenny was voted in as our second churchwarden.

And the following make up the rest of the church council (PCC).

Rev Richard Phillips (vicar)
Jeremy Pratt (Treasurer, choirmaster)
Claire Henry (Secretary)
John Scholefield (Licensed Lay Minister)
Giles Witcher (Deanery Synod Rep)
Maureen Gillis (Allotments)
Sharon Sampson (Children's Ministry)
Darren Sampson
Roy Batson (new member)

Keith Wright and Paula Johnson stepped down although Paula will continue as our safeguarding officer and Keith will continue with his many jobs.  Keith was thanked also for offering to supply a new gate to mark his 80th birthday.

The following reports were given:

Fabric, goods and ornaments - Joy
Pastoral care - Joy
Church linen - Jenny
LLM - John
Bells - Anne
Children's work - Sharon
Financials - Jeremy
Deanery Synod - Giles

The floor was opened for questions, the vicar thanked all those who help in any way with the church, Alicia thanked the vicar on behalf of everyone and then Richard closed the meeting in prayer.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Rosemary Wallis - Funeral Tue 9th May

Family Communion - Sunday 7th May

Do come along on Sunday and join our Family Communion service and share the bread and wine with us.  There will be a Junior Church upstairs with a story and craft led by Claire, Cynthia and Antonia.  The service will be led by Rev Richard Phillips.

If you prefer, there is a BCP Holy Communion in NW at 9am and a Cafe Church running in Church House, Long Crendon at 10am.

Please follow this link to see the pew Sheet.