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Monday, 27 March 2017

We want you!

Electoral Roll:  We’ll be revising our official church membership list 17-31st March.   If you’re a regular worshipper with us and would like to join it then pick up an application form from church and return it to one of our Churchwardens before the end of March.

Is God calling you to serve on the PCC in Chearsley?  
If so please speak to the Churchwardens (Joy and Alicia) 
or to Richard about what it might entail.

Family Communion - Sunday 2nd April

Come along on Sunday and join our Family Communion service and share the bread and wine with us.  There will be a Junior Church upstairs with a story and craft led by Angela & Paula.  The service will be led by Derek Witchell

Please follow this link to see the pew Sheet.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Mothering Sunday - 26th March

If you are able to help make the posies, please come along to Great Barn between 10-12 on Saturday and if you have any foliage or flowers suitable for small posies, they would be most welcome.

Don't forget to put your clocks forward!

For the pew sheet, please follow this link.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Holy Communion - Sunday 19th

This Sunday we have our 9am Holy Communion, a Common Worship service, without hymns.   It will be taken by Rev Richard Phillips.

If you prefer a Family Friendly service, there are Family Services at both Nether Winchendon (10.00) and Long Crendon (10.30).

For the full pew sheet, please follow this link

Monday, 13 March 2017

Parish Prayer Points for March

Prayer is the foundation of all we do in our daily lives as well as in our church life - after all, a relationship thrives on communication.   As we pray throughout March on our own, or in gatherings on Sunday and during the week, can I invite us to pray for these particular people:

In our 3 churches, giving thanks for all who come and clean them, for their hidden act of service.   For Alicia Howard, Dorothy Lagden, and Sarah Evans who co-ordinate each of our cleaning teams

In our 3 villages, please pray for everybody who works in our health and social care services.   For those who work elsewhere; for our doctors’ surgery, dental practice, and care providers; and for the many carers who serve our residents.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Morning Celebration - 12th March 2017

In Morning Celebration, this month, we will be thinking about lent, temptations and Super Heroes, with a quiz, drama and a game of "Simon Says".

As usual, we will have refreshments before and after the service, which will be informal and modern and suitable for all ages.

To read this week's pew sheet, please follow this link.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Easter Services

Click here for more details and events.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Pancake Party

Dozens of pancakes were cooked and enjoyed by children and adults on Shrove Tuesday.  The maple syrup proved to be a big hit, along with bananas and chocolate and golden syrup.  The children enjoyed tossing pancakes and bean bags, trying to see how high they could make them fly.  £15.40 was raised for the Children's Society.  Many thanks to Geoff and to the Rock Solid group for cooking.