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Monday, 28 November 2016

Toy Service - Sunday 4th December

This Sunday we have a double celebration.  It is our annual "Patronal Service" where we remember the patron saint of our church and that of Nether Winchendon - St Nicholas.  This will be combined with our annual Toy Service, where toys are collected and then distributed to less fortunate children.  If you would like to donate a toy, please note that it would be helpful if the toys could be unwrapped and new, and can also be items suitable for older children not just little ones.  Thank you.

For the full pew sheet, please follow this link.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Sunday 27th November

Please note: there will be no 10am service in Chearsley this week.  We have a special event for children instead. See below.   There is a BCP communion in NW at 10am and a carol service in LC at 6pm.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Holy Communion - 20th November 2016

This Sunday we have our 9am Holy Communion, a Common Worship service, without hymns.   It will be taken by Richard Phillips.

For details of the other services in our Benefice, please see the Benefice Website.
For the full pew sheet, please follow this link

Friday, 11 November 2016

Monday, 7 November 2016

Morning Celebration - 13th Nov 2016

This month in Morning Celebration, we will be thinking about all the walls that have been built between warring parties, between countries but also between ourselves.  As usual, the service will be informal and modern and there will be refreshments at the start.  The service will start promptly at 10am so that we can finish early and walk up to the War Memorial for 10.45.  Everyone Welcome.

To read this week's pew sheet, please follow this link.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Welcome Bertie

Welcome Bertie
There was a packed church at St Nicholas on Sunday 30th October when we welcomed Bertie Eames, youngest son of Hannah and Andrew and brother to Elsie and Rory, into our church family, through his baptism.