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Thursday, 20 December 2012
Children's Crib Service
Come along on Christmas Eve at 3pm and let our innkeeper (John Wynburne) and some of our children tell you the Nativity Story. Sing a few carols and then stay for mulled wine, mince pies and biscuits. Everyone welcome, children or not! For more information ring Sharon on 208740.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Carol Singing
If you enjoy singing carols why not join us from 6.30 on Wednesday 19th when we will be singing carols around the village. Bring a torch and warm clothes and meet at the bus stop. Keith and Beryl have kindly offered refreshments at the end of the evening which are always very welcome especially on cold evenings. Hope to see you there.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Friday, 16 November 2012
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Remembrance Sunday
This Sunday you are spoilt for choice with 3 services. At 10am there is a Morning Celebration service at the church with a theme of "Sacrifice" . It will include a video clip from Evan Almighty and a short drama. The service will finish early so that anyone who wishes to can walk up to the War Memorial for the 10.45 Service of Remembrance. Then at 6pm there will be an Evensong back at the church.
Monday, 8 October 2012
Morning Celebration
There is a Morning Celebration
service this Sunday at 10am with a theme of "The Body of Christ". John
Wynburne will be joining us and will be taking part in a drama alongside Julia.
He will also be bringing his guitar and leading us in one of our songs. Jack will be riding a bike and I will
need lots of children to help me take a body apart! The
Johnsons will be doing our reading and Angela will be baking some of her
delicious flapjacks for afterwards. We hope to see you there.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Operation Christmas Child

This year St Nicholas will be joining in with Operation Christmas Child which aims to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world by sending them a shoe box filled with simple gifts like soft toys, jigsaws, toothbrushes, pencils and stickers.
You can collect gifts and fill a shoe box yourself, bringing it to church at or before the Family Service on October 28th, or you can donate items in the box at the back of the church, including wrapping paper.
If you would like to create a box:
1) Find a medium sized shoe box
2) Wrap the box in Christmas wrapping paper
3) Mark if it is for a boy or girl and the age range (2-4/5-9/10-14)
4) Include £2.50 for shipping costs
5) Fill it with a mixture of items from the following:
Toys: Bear, soft toy, tennis ball, finger puppet, jigsaw, yo-yo, building blocks, small musical instrument. Trucks and cars, dolls, clip on earrings etc.
Educational Supplies: Felt pens, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, colouring book, notepad, picture or puzzle book, chalk, pencil case, stickers, etc.
Hygiene Items: Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, comb, hair clips, bar of soap, flannel, etc.
Other Items: Sweets (sell-by date to be at least March of the following year ), gloves, scarf, sunglasses, cap, hat, bangles, necklaces etc.
All gifts should be new, please include items from each category.
Items that unfortunately they can not accept
No Food especially chocolate - non-chocolate sweets are allowed
No medicine or vitamins of any kind
No war related items toy guns, soldiers or knives of any kind
No clothing other than listed above
No fragile items glass containers, mirrors
No liquids including blow bubbles, shampoo, bubble bath, toiletry sets or aerosols.
No dangerous items sharp objects, scissors or razors
No novels Nothing of a political nature
No hand-knitted stuffed toys without a CE mark
6) Bring it to church on or before October 28th
On behalf of a very happy child, THANKYOU XXX
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Harvest Goods
Many thanks to everyone who came to the Harvest Festival and donated food items. They were delivered to The Porch/Steppin' Stone Centre in Oxford. They have said:
Thank you for your generosity and support for the Steppin' Stone Centre. We fully appreciate the amount of work and effort that goes into the organising and gathering of your harvest donations.
As you may be aware Steppin' Stone is a much relied upon Centre of support for many of the homeless and vulnerable housed members of society from in and around the East Oxford area. Your support helps us to keep our costs down and ensures that our members benefit directly from our spending. Unfortunately in today's economic climate it is the most vulnerable who are being hit the hardest but with your support we aim to lessen the impact of social spending cuts and ensure that no-one is left isolated with nowhere to turn. Once again on behalf of all at Steppin' Stone I would like to send you our thanks for your loyalty, thoughtfulness and good will.
Yours Sincerely
Jon Fitzpatrick
Senior Project Worker
Thank you for your generosity and support for the Steppin' Stone Centre. We fully appreciate the amount of work and effort that goes into the organising and gathering of your harvest donations.
As you may be aware Steppin' Stone is a much relied upon Centre of support for many of the homeless and vulnerable housed members of society from in and around the East Oxford area. Your support helps us to keep our costs down and ensures that our members benefit directly from our spending. Unfortunately in today's economic climate it is the most vulnerable who are being hit the hardest but with your support we aim to lessen the impact of social spending cuts and ensure that no-one is left isolated with nowhere to turn. Once again on behalf of all at Steppin' Stone I would like to send you our thanks for your loyalty, thoughtfulness and good will.
Yours Sincerely
Jon Fitzpatrick
Senior Project Worker
Friday, 21 September 2012
Three Teaching Seminars
given by
The Reverend Canon Dr Vincent Strudwick. D.D.
The Anglican Church.
How did we get here?
Who are we?
Where are we going?
St. Mary's Church, Long Crendon
at 8.00pm
Wednesday October 17 2012
Wednesday October 24th 2012
Wednesday October 31 2012
Canon Strudwick has taught theology and church history at Oxford and other universties here and abroad. He is an Hon. Fellow of Kellogg College and a founder member there of "The Centre for the Study of Religion in Public Life". An annual lecture has been created in his honour. In 1989 he became Director of the Diocesan Institute for Theological Education and served as the Principal of the St. Albans and Oxford Ministry Course until 1997. He was Director of Theology Programmes in Continuing Education and until 1999 Director of the Univesity's International Summer Programme in theology, which he founded. He is also Professor of Anglican Theology at the Graduate Theological Foundation, Indiana, USA. In July of 2009, the Archbishop of Canterbury conferred upon him the Doctor of Divinity degree, given in recognition of Canon Strudwick's contribution to religious, academic and public life. He has been an Honoury Canon of Christ Church, Oxford since 1982.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Men's Breakfast
Attention all Men
When: Saturday October 27th
What time: 8.00 - 9.30am
Where?: Church House, High Street, Long Crendon
All men from the Benefice very welcome. A great opportunity for the men in our three churches and Long Crendon Baptist Church to meet to enjoy a cooked breakfast, get to know each other better and to invite non-churchgoing friends or neighbours.
Tickets £5 per head. Spaces limited.
Guest Speaker: Professor John Benington
Warwick University Business School and Chairman of Friends of Ibba School. John will be talking about an exciting Christian educational project in the Southern Sudan, one of Africa's newest independant countries and one of the poorest. This is a heart-warming story of how a Sudanese woman with a vision and faith has engaged and enthused others to help her make a dream a reality.
Information and tickets from Chris Lilley 01844 201977 also see weekly pew sheets
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Agnostics Anonymous
Come and debate with the vicar!
- wars and violence perpetrated in the name of religion
- the conflict between religion and science
- the amount of innocent suffering in the world
- the feeling that Christianity is anti-life
- the sense that the Church is hung up about sex and homophobic
- the belief that religious faith is for wimps
- the disunity of Christians and the fact that many do not practice what they preach
- the way the Church bangs on about sin and guilt
- the belief that the Church is out of touch and stuck in the past
...... the name just a few! The case against religion is strong. Why should anyone believe in God? Some people consider themselves very spiritual but cannont buy into the package of the institutional church and all it baggage. Why don't you bring your questions, your rants and your difficulties?
I will be in "The Eight Bells" on the High Street in Long Crendon on the following evenings (and maybe more!) not with all the answers but with a desire to listen, learn and engage in discussion.
On Mondays at 8.00pm
September 24th, October 1st, October 15th, October 22nd
John Wynburne
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
New Cross
Many years ago, one of our stone crosses fell from the roof of the church. Now, thanks to the estate of Patience Clowes, we have a beautiful new cross.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Harvest Supper
Tickets are now on sale for the St Nicholas' Harvest Supper in the Village Hall on Saturday, September 22nd at 7.30pm. A 2 course meal including wine or beer costs £10 which also includes entertainment. Contact Claire Lazaruk on 208087 or Angela Gray on 202105.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Police Warning
We have been sent this warning from the police via Archdeacon Karen.
There has been a series of Frauds committed in the Northampton and Milton Keynes areas over recent weeks using precisely the same method. The offender targets church members, approaching people at or outside churches or church halls appearing upset and frantic for help. He tells them that his mother has died that morning on the island of Jersey and that he is in desperate need of funds to get out there to identify the body and bring her home. He explains that his mother was a member of their church and lived locally until recently. He quotes the details of several of the churches local ministers to add validity to his story but these people happen to be on holiday at the time so it appears that he has done some preparatory research.
He is described as follows: White Male aged 30-35 years 5’4” to 5’8” tall with a slim build Fair hair cut about ear length Last seen wearing a blue hoody with white writing and dark jeans This male is EXTREMELY plausible, cries when recalling memories of his mother, gives his name as ‘John WILLIAMS’ and passes a mobile phone number when asked. He will even quote addresses that are local.
Please can details of this crime series be circulated among the Church community, encouraging any persons who come across this male to call 999 immediately? Anyone who has any information regarding this man can call the Police non emergency number on 101
Northants Police reference – NP/23988/12
Ed Allington Partnership
Crime Prevention & Reduction Advisor
Milton Keynes Police Station
302 North Row
Witan Gate East
Central Milton Keynes
Tel 01908 686294
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Sound Proofing
Last week some specialist sound proofing material was installed in the upper room above the kitchen. Hopefully this will allow the children to make the most of Junior Church without worrying about disturbing the adults in the main body of the church.
Monday, 23 July 2012
A Patch of Blue under the gray summer skies
This July the Patch of Blue theatre company have been on tour with a production of last year's five star Edinburgh Fringe Festival production of Godspell by Steven Schwartzs.
For those of you who don't know the show, the plot line is essentially that of the gospels but Schwartzs takes the parables told in the Bible and creates a universal message; people who are lost and distressed coming together through love and community, and of course some cracking show tunes. It is a musical that seems to have to been intended for this company's vision for interactive and intimate theatre and these ideals are expertly brought to life by St Andrews based directors Alex Howarth and Caroline McCaffrey.
The performance I saw was on the 19th of July in Cuddington, Buckinghamshire, a small village, proud of its 'best kept' status, yet we were transported in the opening scenes to a disordered junk yard. Despite the curtained stage available this production was set on the floor, with cushions and settees for the front audience rows, blurring the divide between actor and spectator. Twinkling fairy lights lit the enigmatic scene, where bunting met rusty fridges and broken doors. As the cast gradually entered, alone and seemingly desolate, alongside the audience, a hush descended. Amidst our silent anticipation Jesus flicked on a lighter and began.
Emily Thompson, playing Jesus, spoke quietly into a pregnant crowd. A female Jesus. The feminine touch was ideal, she became like a mother encouraging and calming her boisterous children, as though from ignorant toddlers to enlightened adults. Thompson was subtle with her words, always speaking as though imploring so that rather than raising her voice she made herself worthy of silence. From this, and the less formal setting, the production had a raw and sensitive quality throughout; intimate and enchanting.
Technically it was astounding. The choreography, could not be faulted. From slow and sensuous waltzes to unimaginably speedy ensembles they blew me away. Musically they were unanimously impressive. The vocals were pitch perfect and the use of so many instruments by so many actors was more than inspiring. My performance highlight was in the song All Good Gifts where three guys played one guitar, one using it as a drum, another making the chord shapes and the third playing the strings. This couldn't have been achieved without technical ability, absolute trust, unity and sensitivity. This image epitomised the production for me.
The Patch of Blue theatre company will be showing their talent once more at the Fringe this August in what promises to be an extraordinary production of The 25th Putnam Annual Country Spelling Bee,which has already graced a West End Stage at the Twitter Theatre Awards. We wish them well.
Emily Hill, former cast member.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Confirmation Thoughts
On June 10th we had a wonderful celebration in Chearsley. Just as we might have thought that the Jubilee had left us all celebrated out, along came another one. But this was different, this was much more local and for 5 of our regular congregation at St Nicholas in Chearsley, and one from St Mary's, it was much more personal.
I believe that coming to a decision to confirm our baptismal vows [for that is what the Confirmation service is] having worshipped as an adult and having thought about it over many months or years, makes it a much more resonant occasion. It is true and meaningful choice, and it is generally one that has been thought hard about. It can open a person's mind to go further and explore more, which is always a good thing and to be encouraged.
I know that our new members from Chearsley and Long Crendon churches have been given a superb book to read, Living Jesus, by Bishop John Pritchard. If you have not read it you should, it will hopefully open your mind and make you think.
I hope that all who attended the service, led by Bishop Alan, will have got something deeply special out of it, not just those being confirmed, but all of us sitting watching, and hopefully remembering.
So as we go out in peace to love and serve the Lord, may we all do so in the remembered joy of our own Confirmation, however long ago.
In the love of Jesus Christ, John Scholefield LLM
Friday, 22 June 2012
Pet Service
Pet Service – June 24th 10am St Nicholas Church
John Wynburne is leading a “Pet Service” on Sunday at 10am so please come along with your pets and children and celebrate God’s creation with us.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Easter 2012 - Footsteps
Chearsley children, followed in the Footsteps of Jesus, acting out his last days.
Follow the man with the water jar
to the upper room to share the last supper
Jesus washed the disciples feet to show that he came to serve, not be served
A traditional Passover meal
Breaking bread - this is my body broken for you
Sharing wine - this is my blood, shed for you
Jesus was arrested while praying in the garden of Gethsemane
and was taken to the high priest's house
Peter was watching from the courtyard, but denied that he knew Jesus
Then Jesus was taken to Pilate
who washed his hands of him
Simon helped carry Jesus' cross
Jesus was crucified
Our Easter Garden
Sunday, 11 March 2012
11-17 March 2012 - Soul Spark
Soul Spark took place in Chearsley Church from 11-17 March and many people from the village visited it and felt their spirits uplifted or their hearts touched. The church was lit, warm and quiet choral music filled the space. There were a series of interactive ‘stations’ set out in the church concerned with life experiences and the journey of faith. They included the world of nature, hopes and dreams, forgiveness, remembrance of those who had died, Jesus the Light of the world, Jesus’ story of the son who came home and the love of the father, a ‘family tree’ with leaves on which to write the names of children you wished to pray for, bubbles to blow for all that made you feel happy in life, the world about us - moving beads to areas of the world for which you feel concern and a corner ‘nest’ in which to be still before God. Participants were invited to write their comments in a book and they included
“It was uplifting”
“I found it to be a very moving experience”;
“time to reflect on my life”;
“an answer to prayer”
“I found it to be a very moving experience”;
“time to reflect on my life”;
“an answer to prayer”
They also included several requests to repeat the experience, so if you missed it this time, maybe something similar will be offered at a later date.
Sharon Sampson
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